He knows me.
And that’s not an easy task.
He can surprise me on any given day with wine and pizza, the way to my heart…
He can sense when I’ve had a bad day and let me relax in silence.
He can place his hand in mine and calm my soul.
He can look me in the eyes and melt my heart.
He can kiss my lips ever so lightly and buckle my knees.
He is my better half.
He is my soul mate.
He is my love.



My quiet coffee time has been interrupted by nature.
A cricket to be more specific.
I’ve been told they are lucky. I’ve never killed one. Not to my knowledge.
So is today my lucky day?
It is Friday and payday.
But that happens every 2 weeks, with or without the cricket.
He must know I’m writing about him. Its quiet now.
Can a cricket be lucky? Can any lucky charm make a difference?
A lucky hat, shirt, keychain…..
It’s nice to believe that. False confidence.
But just like Dorothy in Oz, the power has always been in you.
My dad would tell me…
The harder you work, and the more you do, the luckier you will get.
True statement.
I’m not sure if I would say I’m lucky, maybe fortunate is more appropriate. The first part of that word is fortune. My life is full of fortunes.
I’ve never rolled the dice and won a car, sat in the lucky seat and won a vacation or handed the keys to a house from a stranger, no strings attached.
That’s all luck.
I am fortunate to have had all those things, made possible by work, grasping opportunities when they cross my path, never being afraid to jump in with both feet. Never relying on luck, or a cricket in my house.
Believing I can do anything.
You can too.
You bring about what you speak about.
Tell that face in the mirror, today is the day! You got this! You will conquer it all!
Make your own luck, be your own lucky charm, and your fortune will be.


Seems like my quiet time gets longer each day. I wish I could sit here until the sun comes up. 2 days left in my work week. My friends I work with are slowly leaving for better opportunities. I’m not sure how that will change my time and attitude working.
No more lunches that break up a stressful day, venting partner, work therapist.
I already dread Monday morning.
I have never made friends easily. Letting people into my inner circle had always been hard for me. If I do, you’ve made an impression on me. I trust you.
My routine will be altered.
I’ll make a new one. Change is the only thing constant. And change can be good.
Those you see on a daily basis that take the time to say good morning, check on you, share with you make a difference. I strive to be one of those people.
I hope you do too.
You hope for the best for your friends, you support them, help push them to success when they need a hand. You love and miss them.
My time is up. Coffee cup is empty and work is calling my name. Have a blessed day, hug your friends, send positive vibes.


Do you spoil yourself?
Not materialistic per se, but just stop and do things that make you happy.
I’ve been taking about 30 minutes in the morning and just relaxing with a cup of coffee. Before Troy gets up or even Maddie.
I sit in the dark and just be.
With my schedule, I consider it a luxury.
I’m used to giving my extra time to work.
Bahama Bucks snow cone. Another spoil for me. When I’m out running errands on a hot day, what a nice treat.
A good book. Not electronic, but an honest to goodness hardback, smell the ink on the pages book. Nothing like it. A trip to another realm.
Hugs can change my entire day. The best free medicine available.
Furbaby snuggles. I can feel my blood pressure drop, heart slow down and anxiety slip away. They are truly nature’s physicians.
Luxuries dont have to cost a lot of money if any.
Treat yourself to what gives you comfort and peace. A little goes a long way. A 5 second hug, 30 minute coffee break can last for days.
Spoil you.


Up early so I am going to go into work and spend time opening with a new cook.
Of course I am enjoying a cup of coffee first.
Happy coffee.
Don’t want to scare the new help off. 🤣
This is an extremely quiet time.
The only sounds I hear are the crickets outside and the air-conditioning unit.
Music to my ears.
Learning a new job can be stressful at times. In this case, working with more than one trainer can be helpful. We all have our way of doing things. With the same result.
3+3=6. So does 4+2 and 5+1.
We are all different and right at the same time.
We all sin differently.
We all love in our own ways.
Learning from others, listening to why they think the way they do will add value to your life.
You will learn compassion, understanding, compromise, sympathy, empathy and realization.
Realization of just how similar we all are with the same need to belong.
There are time we fall into the wrong group. But that group was the only one pulling us into the fold, showing love and affection. It becomes a part of us.
Your love has to be bigger.
Big enough to draw in the self doubters and teach then to love themselves.
Show them your way.
Show them they belong.
Lead them to the right answer different ways until they find the path easiest for them but still the right direction.
Wrap your arms and hug the insecurities right out of them.
Oh my friends,
Just Love Big.


Taking in a little peace and quiet with my coffee this morning. A little extra ME time.
It’s amazing what time can do for you. I had the opportunity to leave work early on the holiday and spend it at home, on the couch with my husband. We napped, snuggled, watched TV, did absolutely nothing the rest of the day.
Or did we?
We reinforced our bond with each other.
Spoke no words but said everything.
Held each other reminding the other we will always be there.
A quiet lazy day that spoke volumes.
Oh, there were plenty “I love you’s”, aloud and silent.
Time spent blocking out the world, work, bills, honey dos….
Just US time. Pausing to appreciate each other, remembering why we are here in each others arms. Why the outside world doesn’t matter at this moment.
This is our world.
Time together.
Sharing our space.
Time no one can ever take away.
We all have the same amount of time in the day. Make sure you are using yours wisely. Make every minute count.
ME time
US time
We don’t know how limited ours is.
Use it up! Leave none wasted behind.


The storms early Tuesday morning were amazing. I love the sound of the rain reviving the grass and trees. Refilling ponds and lakes, getting nature back on track after scorching hot days.
Flashes of lightning brighten the room for a few seconds. Making the hair on your arms stand at attention.
Nature’s electricity, beautiful and yet dangerous.
The thunder, you can feel it coming in. A low grumbling that shivers the walls of your home, sneaks in quietly at first and then ends with a loud, floor shaking boom. Then calming just to build up once more.
The mere force of a thunderstorm is exhilarating. The power is amazing to watch, listen and feel.
It has the power to heal and destroy.
Bring life with water or wash away homes.
You have to respect power like that.
I guess that’s why I love to just snuggle in bed, window open to feel the breeze and listen to the rain.
Relaxing and energizing.
Tuesdays storm shut down our power to the house. It was dark and silent of house noises. I watched out the front door with Troy as the storm poured buckets of water down all at once. The yard would light up occasionally with a lightening strike.
We could feel the cool fall air trying to push its way through.
Then it stopped.
No rain falling.
Just quiet.
The crickets started their song of thanks.
Still no power, so no coffee.
I took a few minutes to sit and enjoy the sounds of a new beginning.
Nature like God intended us to enjoy.
No interruptions of TV, bright lights, or caffeine induced moods.
Still no power but with work not waiting, I brushed my teeth with bottled water, pulled my hair up in a pony tail and dressed in the dark.
Believe me when I say, you could tell. I was a sight.
But instead of stomping around mad because of the lack of power, I was grateful for being able to witness the power of nature.
And that subtle reminder of who is actually in charge.
Always look for that rainbow or silver lining. Pull the good from all situations.
Be happy
Love big,


Monday snuck up on me.
Whoever designed weekends did a terrible job of it.
This 5 to 2 day ratio of work and homework/rest seems a bit off balance.
I would like just one more day between Saturday and Sunday.
Is that too much to ask?
There seems to be so much that needs to be done at home. But the desire to jump in and get it done just doesn’t take priority at times.
And that’s ok.
I am more important.
My health
My sanity
The ME work is top priority compared to HOUSEwork. Without me, none of the above would be done.
Just like a mechanic must take care of the tools of his trade,
So must we.
Our mental clarity, physical health and energy levels are needed to survive.
Not just to get the work done.
But to survive.
We must take the time for our bodies to recoup, regroup, recharge and regain our inner power.
I know I talk about this often.
It is important.
I tend to go. Go. Go. And forget to pause and recharge.
I have to remind myself I am not a machine. My parts may or may not be replaceable but I wouldn’t have the time for the procedure.
A vicious circle.
So when I can,
I do nothing.
I will curl on the couch and watch mind numbing shows, eat carbs and snuggle with My fur baby.
I will not strain any muscle in my body.
To include my brain.
I will stay in my pajamas all day.
No make up, bed hair, and possible little to no internet.
Me time.
Wasteful, never going to get it back time.
But it is more productive than you might think.
Yes, I must admit, at the end of the day I feel like I have wasted away time being lazy. Then I am reminded I can not go full force 24/7.
I will break down.
My lazy days are self help.
Preventative maintenance.
My stop and smell the flowers kind of days.
My time of reflection.
Dreaming new dreams, starting fresh every morning.
Here is to your fresh start. ☕
Have a blessed week.
Go forth and conquer!
And don’t forget to
Love big,


Another morning with my thoughts and coffee.
Thinking about the reasons I get up and go to work. The obvious is to buy the luxuries I so enjoy….gas, food, electricity.
But there is more to it than that.
Our work family.
We can spend more time with them than we do our families at home. We develop relationships, bonds.
We worry when they are sick and miss them when they are on vacation. We share lunch, stories, birthdays, promotions, births, holidays and once in a while a drink after work.
We become friends on social media, vent to each other or sometimes even have a safe space to just sit quietly and gather our thoughts.
There are those times we grieve together for the loss of one of our own. Work isn’t the same, a hole, a void that we must fill with good memories, laughter for the funny ones, and tears shed for our loss. A space filled with our lost work family that we can draw from strength to get thru a rough day long after they are gone.
Going to work isn’t just about making money. It’s making friendships, relationships that make life easier. Mondays become bearable because of the faces and smiles we know we will see.
Building a life worth living.
Enjoying life from sun up to sun down.
Work family, home family, family.


This morning is so quiet. No thunder, no rain.
I always think cleansing, starting fresh when I listen to sound of a storm
Crying is the same way.
When my body has been holding in all the stress, disappointments, pain for awhile, It will react with tears.
I usually feel better after a good cry.
Sometimes it will be a hard cry that brings the fur baby over to check on me, lick my face and let me know she is there for me.
It could possibly be what I call a work cry, brimming tears, where I look up, to keep them from falling.
It’s amazing how a little water can cleanse away so much. Dirty air, sore muscles, personal demons, anxiety, heart break, fear, anger, frustration….the list goes on.
From the day we are born to the day we die, tears help us start fresh. Washing away the clouds of feelings we hold in at that moment.
Crying isnt just for babies. Crying is the best coping mechanism God gave us.
Even Jesus wept.
If you happen to catch me crying, I’m regrouping and starting fresh. Don’t be afraid to do the same. I’ll even cry with you.