I need a break.
Physically, but mostly, emotionally.

Ever just want to go somewhere alone. Take a good book. Maybe a journal, bottle of wine, cheese and crackers and just BE?

Disappear from the world.
Hide from
Alarm clocks
The news

I’m sure you have a list of your own.
And I am sure I can add to my list.

Some people don’t like being alone.
It would be OK to do this with a friend or spouse that needs the same recharging.

No plans
No agenda
Everything on the spur of the moment or just nothing at all.
Share each others company, and that bottle of wine.
And silence.

Solitude can be amazing if you love your own company.
Time to look inside yourself.
Tweek your plans for the future.
New ideas.
Find yourself again.

I’ve never understood people that could not go out to eat alone.
I had someone tell me once that only losers go out alone.
Hmm, seems to me it takes a lot of self confidence to sit in a crowded restaurant and enjoy a wonderful meal in your own company.
I tend to share my company with people I like.
Its a pity she didn’t like herself.
If you don’t like you. Why would anyone else?

Maybe that is how alone time should be spent.
Learning to love ourselves again.
Finding the real you.
Not the you that is the
But that Star personality.
The one that you keep hidden in fear someone will think you are weird, stupid, or strange.

Be you!

If only more people could be themselves instead of Play acting to try to impress, or be who someone else thinks they should be.
Imagine how must less effort it takes and the stress level of maintaining an “image” would disappear.

You will be surrounded by those that love you for you.
Not your status
Or money
Or clothes you wear.
What crowd you hang with,
Or who claims to be your friend.


What an amazing feeling!!
To be loved for who I am and what I project naturally.
Being able to look at myself in the mirror and know
I am the real thing!
(Except for covering those grays)

I am liked, loved, looked up to and possibly admired by some for who I am.

Whether I am wearing Walmart clothes or carrying a Gucci bag.

Its about what I wrap my self around, not what is wrapped around me.

Love yourself big!!


The rumble of thunder has always been calming to me.
I hear it off to the west working its way here. The rain is light and I can barely hear it from inside the house.
My coffee is happy and hot, room is cool and dark and my thoughts are plenty.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in, imagining green, life, money, positivity, good health into my body.
When I exhale I see red, the negative, soreness, depression, bad vibes all escape my body through my fingertips, toes and mouth.

My own personal way to meditate, draw in what I need to support me through the day.
Release any negativity stored up.
Say my prayers for guidance and leadership.
Picture a successful day.

I have all I desire.
What I ask for, I receive.
I am a magnet for abundance and good fortune.
I am grateful.

Use a little mirror magic for your daily mantra.
Tell yourself and the universe you are a force to be reckoned with.
Spend your valuable time on you.
Welcome and accept the good things you deserve.
You will receive more each day.

Have a blessed week my friends.
Pray for each other.
Love yourself
Love big,


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Oh my goodness!
This morning seems pretty normal.
Up and in my dark, cool living room, happy coffee in hand.
My lip is a little sensitive to the hot coffee, but I don’t care!
I feel so much better.
But better.

Yesterday started me back on to my normalcy .
Big Daddy and I had Sunday brunch, then did our Sam’s run.
Came home, took a short nap together.
(That was amazing, he was helping my brain heal)
Then started making home made tomato sauce to can.

Getting back into your routine has a great mental impact. Although I am far from “Normal”, whatever that is, I love the comfortable feeling of knowing what to expect.
Something to look forward to.

My quiet time, dark cool room, jotting down my thoughts.
I do this for me.
I am glad it touches others, hopefully in the most positive ways. I love getting messages from you telling me I made a difference in how your day went, or just reaching your heart.

I never know what I am going to write about. I may start with one idea and it just morphs into something else.
My mind isn’t that organized when it comes to writing.
May be the reason I don’t do it for a living lol.
I might starve. 😁😁

At work I send out a daily motivational quote with the menu. I want everyone to start their day on a happy note.
Set the tone.
First thing in the morning.
There have been times I was told, “I needed to hear that today”.

I try to do the same for myself.
I have post its with quotes in my office. Scattered about my desk, reminding me to stop, breathe and enjoy life.
Live my best life every day.

Have a most fabulous week!
Share that beautiful smile.
Make that the most contagious thing on the planet.
Make it spread like wild fire.
And of course,
Love big,


Image may contain: plant, flower, outdoor and nature


I have friends from as far back as grade school. We have been friends well over half my life.
You know the friends, some you text or chat with daily, weekly, sometimes years apart but it always seems like just yesterday.

These friendships are precious to me.
You know who you are.
I love you.
You have shared life most of my 55 years with me one way or another. Helped me make decisions, sometimes life changing.
You are that voice inside my head at times.
Reminding me of who I am and where I came from.
No one has ever taken your spot in my heart or ever will.
You are my constants.

I’ve met people along the way after high school. Some are mere acquaintances, some have become friends. Lunch buddies, business partners, work family, margarita amigos, venting partners, an ear or shoulder.
All important to me.

Then there is Troy.
My best friend.
Life mate.
The one who holds me, protects me, always, always has my back, even if I’m not fully correct.
And gently reminds of the fact.

My circle has always been close knit. But as I have gotten older, I have been fortunate to
Meet and get to know people that I click with.

A year and a half ago, I joined a group of women, a support group that are amazing ladies. I was worried about drama, I just don’t do drama, but there was none.
They all leaned on each other, sought advice, gave advice, shared experiences, and meet for lunch, dinner and weekend retreats.

I am one of the oldest women there, and I am sure I have some sage advice for them, but they have taught me a lot too. Never have I felt so included right at the start.
They make me feel like I belong.

I made friendships from that group that led to a smaller group of friends.
I’ve told you about this group. My personal EMT team.
The lake group.
They have pulled even more out of me.
Things they don’t even know.
I don’t swim. Most people know that.
I was not a boat or water fan.
Yet on Saturday, I drive to spend time with this group.
They have me on the boat, in the water and just enjoying my best life.
No fear.
No worries.
Great company and awesome people.

I am truly fortunate that in this stage of life I can find new friends that mean the world to me.
Friends I know have my back.
Will obviously take care of me when needed.
I look forward to chatting and spending time with them.
Miss them when we aren’t together.
I love their company.
I hope we continue to meet even after summer.

It’s strange to me to be so drawn so fast to personalities.
God knows when and where to put people in your path.
And I am grateful.
I am only half way thru this life of mine, and I intend on living it to the fullest.
The more the merrier.

Love big,

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'YOU THINK YOU'RE SO IMPORTANT, HUH?'


This is the first morning in at least a week that I’ve been able to have my quiet time and coffee.
I slept thru the dark, so I am actually out back on the deck looking over the garden.
I think the tomato plants are multiplying!!
They are huge!
I guess we will be making sauce and canning tomorrow.

The past week has been an adventure.
It has been a minute since I have opened the kitchen. I’m sure I forgot things here and there.
Donna will remind me, I’m sure.
She may never go on vacation again. 🤣

Monday morning being the worse since my accident over the weekend had me in a brain fog.
I had to learn the times for the new steamer. I think Friday I finally had it. Lol
I survived.

My hard boiled eggs were actually soft boiled. Omg! I love a soft boiled egg! Not that dry gray green center you use for egg salad, but a tender, creamy center.

I know that’s not everyone’s thing and when brought to my attention, I adjusted the times on the cook.
Heavy sigh…

My staff was patient.
I love my staff.
I was reminded ever so gently I was supposed to do a breakfast special.
Every day.
As much as I wanted to play dumb, I found something to do. By Thursday I was ahead of the game and said TADA! when asked.

Some familiar with the kitchen jumped in and helped me when I felt I was behind, or forgot something. Helped with prep or just filled in so I could take a short break.

I appreciate my staff.
They are like family to me.
My work family.
I will back them and protect them like my own.
When they are attacked, my momma instincts come out.

I don’t understand how people can be so rude and hateful to someone who is just doing what they are paid to do.
I see this everywhere.
Restaurants, C-stores, retail.

They don’t write the rules, they cant change them just for you.
Have a problem they cant fix on their own?
Ask for management.

We are all stressed right now.
We are all the “essential workers” that haven’t had a break, work short handed, extra hours, less sleep, in a mask, still trying to smile and tell you to have a nice day.

Just have a nice day for Pete sake!

It’s up to you.
Be happy
Be ugly.

If you chose ugly, take it somewhere else.
Go out back and scream.
Cry in the shower.
Yell into a pillow.
Write it down.
Then burn it.
Go to your office and shut the door.
Pray, always pray.

Project that negativity in a positive way that does not affect those around you.
Release it, don’t force it on others and spread it.

Say thank you
Apologize if you slip up.
We all do, but recognizing it and repenting for it does wonders for relationships.
When you don’t, the consequences can be devastating, maybe not for you, but for others.

We have to share our world, our workspace, our lives whether we want to or not.
Be neighborly.
You don’t have to bake a cake, but a wave across the way will bring a smile.

Love big my friends.

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I’ve worked really hard to get to certain places in my life to accomplish goals and support my family. There have been many detours along the way sending me in a totally different direction.

I’m sure this is a case of when one door closes another one opens. Let me tell you, sometimes the hallway in between those doors are dark and scary. I would look at others and think, that person is living my life, they got to the door before me.

I would feel like giving up, tell myself I was just not cut out for this. Then the good Lord would make me trip over the welcome mat at MY door. I have learned something at each threshold that has propelled me to another. I am grateful for those dark hallways. When there is no light, faith will be your guide.

Eyes wide closed. I doubt I have entered my last door, traveled my last dark hallway or tripped over my last door mat. I know my future is bright and my today brilliant.

I’m loving my life more each day.


July 24, 2016


Sitting in the dark for a few minutes waiting on my equipment to heat up.
A few sips of coffee and thoughts.

It’s been a long week.
I supposed I could have stayed home all week and licked my wounds. But that’s never really been me.
I am thankful today is my last day to open cook for a bit. Although it was rough, and I had to pause here and there, I got through it with the help of my staff. They constantly checked on me to make sure I was doing ok.

I opened my office to put my bag up this morning and on my list of things to do, I had scribbled a quote. I try to motivate myself as much as you, every day.

“Know your limits, then ignore them”

A great reminder.
We are all capable of anything.
We just have to go beyond our limits.
Take that extra step.
Climb one more flight of stairs.
Run the extra mile.
One more phone call.

Just keep moving.
We will get there.
As high as you want to go.

Well, I am off to scrambled the eggs and bake the biscuits. I may even do scones this morning. It is Friday!

Write yourself a note for the week. Reminding you to reach for the stars!
Have a blessed day!

Love Big,

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Shower face doesn’t look too bad at 4 in the morning.
Maybe I am a little vain looking every day.

Honestly? I forget about my face until I laugh hard at something and my lip cracks.
That smarts a little.

I got a bit of my own color back in my face. Still tinges of yellow here and there, but no discomfort unless I touch it a bit hard or forget and try to scratch.

Itching is healing, so I wont complain.
Complaining does nothing but make the people around you uncomfortable, upset, maybe even annoyed.
Most of all, complaints without suggestions to fix an issue change absolutely nothing.
Complaints directed toward someone in a hateful manner is rude and uncalled for and changes nothing.


Except how people see you.

How you act towards others is a picture of your heart, your humanity.
I’ve seen and heard some ugly hearts lately.

I don’t want those people in my circle. You bring about what you speak about. Moaning and groaning, unhappiness, hatred, name calling, you get the picture.
No one wants to sit in a puddle of that nonsense!

And if you do, I feel for you.
No one should be that unhappy.
I truly hope you find the beauty in yourself and project that outward.
I hope you learn to love yourself so you can love others.
Forgive yourself, and you can forgive others.

A little kindness goes a long way.
If you don’t have anything nice to say, raise your right hand and firmly place it over your mouth.

I have not so good times during the day. I wont let it affect my entire day. My unspoken prayer is then, “please Lord, put your arm around my shoulder, you hand across my mouth, and just walk with me.”

Be happy
Be kind
Love big
Don’t complain
Fix what you can
Deal with what you cant, unless it doesn’t affect you, then forget what you cant fix.

Healing is more than physical.
I hope you heal as quickly as I am.

Love you big!

Image may contain: Lorene Fite Wood, smiling, child and closeup


I am truly blessed.

I’m sure my quick healing is due to over 200 comments of prayers, good vibes and well wishes.
It’s amazing to learn that many people like you!

Today I could smile without my lip hurting.
My eyes never went black, but a rainbow of red, oranges and yellows.

I think my hair grayed a little faster than normal.
I’ll take it.
My shoulder is still bruised up and muscles are tight. Those hot water showers sure help.

I really expected the pain to be more than it is. Aleeve and ibuprofen have been my close friends.
No headaches, a little light headed and nauseous here and there, but with a concussion, that is expected.
I still dribble a little when I drink from a cup, and slurp.
Note to self: buy straws.
I keep playing with my lip trying to get the pieces of dead skin to fall off.

Thank you all again for the texts, PMs, and putting me on your prayer lists.
You are sending positive vibes to the universe and it is reaching me 10 fold.

I am enduring the jokes, and it hurts to laugh too hard. But laughter is a good medicine.
So laugh away my friends.

I am ready to get out again, and soak up some rays and friendship.
Keep throwing your positivity my way!
I dont like slowing down.

Thank you for Loving Big!

Image may contain: 2 people, including Lorene Fite Wood, eyeglasses and closeup