Scrolling through pics on my phone while having my coffee this morning.

My oh my, what a memory.

I was scared to death.

I wasn’t sure the public was ready for my style of cooking.

I wasn’t sure I was ready for criticism of my food. I take it very personal. It is one of the ways I express love. Not liking my food is not liking me.

As comfortable as I am in the kitchen, opening Bistro Lorene was way outside my comfort zone. Everything had to be perfect, not just the food.

Troy and I built what we considered our perfect place to dine.

A place where the staff treated us like we were the only patrons in the room, the food was an experience, not just a meal.

The atmosphere was like no other around.

We could walk into the kitchen and see how our food was prepared.

A place where your dietary restrictions mattered and a beautiful plate could be designed just for you.

Where the Chef came to your table to make sure everything was perfect.

I drive by the building now, it sits empty and the thought of opening back up crosses my mind. That place will always be Bistro Lorene to me.

It is part of my history.

It is a part of me.

Put everything and every part of you into your dreams. Have the people that love and support those dreams right by your side, or behind you, pushing and reminding you that you can do anything.

I have that.

Family, friends and most of all Troy. I doubted myself so many times, cried, prayed and screamed in the walk in.

But I lived my dream, if but for a short 3 years. And the effects, friendships, recipes and memories are part of my every day life.

They are me.

I am Bistro Lorene, not a building, but me.

Thank you, all of you that dined, supported, worked and pushed to make it all possible.

Go after your dreams. Use a little mirror magic and remind yourself how strong you are and you deserve to live your dream! Dreams make such a difference. I’ll be here to support you!

We all deserve it.

Love big,



Coffee and Journaling time!

I hit snooze a few times this morning. It seems to be the norm lately. But this morning I feel pretty rested. I hope I’ve turned the corner.

Journaling my thoughts here tend to help me relax. Some days my mind is overloaded with thoughts I want to share and some mornings I am just blank.

Friends, family and social media inspire me. I try to stay away from politics, this is a family friendly writing for the most part and I am so tired of reading what a moron I am for believing like I do.

So I scroll on by….I wish others would learn to do that.

Scroll Sugar, scroll!

Its not worth the time nor energy to reply to such one sided, hateful remarks. I’d rather read about fur babies and look at first day of school pics. And I do.

There is no way you will convince me to change my opinion by calling me stupid, racist, or a slew of other derogatory names. Once the name calling starts, I stop listening. I have more respect for myself than that.

Besides, it doesn’t make you look any better than you say others are or act.

Tsk tsk

So I will type away each day, wish all of you the most blessed and fabulous day. Even if we don’t agree, you are a living breathing soul and deserve the right to your opinion.

I wish you joy, happiness and beautiful flowers to smell along your way. Don’t let differences drive you apart. We don’t need division, we need unity.

Working together for an always better tomorrow. How boring would life be if we were all the same?

Embrace who you are, but please, respect those that think differently, they are as precious as you. Break bread together without arguing your opinions. Instead discuss all you are thankful for, beginning with having friends and family that respect each other, no matter their positions on life matters.

It is so easy to be kind.

And I promise, the outcome feels so much better.

Physically and emotionally.

It is not our place to judge, but to love as we love ourselves.

So Love Big,



We are all teachers whether we want to be or not.

A child learns from his parents actions, not just words.

Watching them steer through life, how they attack obstacles in their way and most importantly, the way they treat the people along the way.

How many practice what they preach?

Its easy to say “don’t drink alcohol “, but it has no bearing if you say it while sipping on a glass of wine. Coming from a former alcoholic, someone who had been there, done that, rode the ride, survived and bought the T shirt, now, that is someone worthy of listening to.

The teacher doesn’t have to be perfect.

We all have life lessons we could teach.Sharing our past mistakes and outcomes can help someone and you probably wouldn’t even know it.

Some day, someone may tell you about the difference you made for them. You may be that person that is shrouded in a dark cloud with no clue which way is up, then hear a similar story, whether it has a good or bad outcome, it has a lesson learned attached.

A lesson that lifts that cloud and you now have one to share.We can only hope all the lessons we teach are good ones. But we all know if that were the case, we would live in a perfect world.

We can however teach what NOT to do. Sometimes that is the best advice.

Be an example.

A good example if possible.

We can learn from bad examples but sometimes the young minds can’t pull the lesson out of it and follow the footsteps instead.

Actions do speak louder than words.

Go out in the world and be that person that makes a difference. A person people look up to.One who has an audience that uses you as a guideline to life.

Be kind.

Love big,



I am tired.

Physically, mentally, emotionally. I feel like I need a week off from life. Just to sleep. Its been along time since I have felt so drained of energy.

My coffee helps the physical side of it. Keeping my body going for a few hours. And then I just want to nap.

So unlike me. I’ve never liked to nap.

I felt like I was missing out if I slept. Time flew by and I wasn’t awake to enjoy it.


Hand me a pillow.

Doesn’t happen, I’m way too busy for a nap.

Maybe my body is fighting off getting sick. I have had a head cold for a few days. Its better but still annoying.

Its been a month since my accident, but I never took time off to just recoup. It was 12 hour days and go go go go less than 48 hours later.

My mind may just want to sleep through all the craziness in the world right now. Wake up to find its just been a bad dream and we are united once again.

My glass is about empty and I need to refill it soon. There has been more pouring out than filling up. That’s OK, but I do need to stop and take time for me soon.

I will bet there are some heads nodding out there, you feel it too. Time for that refill.

You time.

Don’t wait too long. All giving can quickly deplete you. You can’t pour from an empty glass.

Well, work is calling and today I am 3 people. So it will be another exhausting day.

But I got this.

Just have to watch and make sure I don’t run dry. I may not have time for a complete refill, but I can always replenish enough to keep being me. I know I’m not alone. We all need some rest and sanity.

I pray you find it.

Love big.



We make so many choices daily.

Some without any thought, they are automatic.

My choices on a daily basis include getting up when my alarm goes off.

Drinking my happy coffee.

Drinking more coffee.

Taking my vitamins to help keep me healthy.

Brushing my teeth and combing my hair.

Getting dressed and going to work.

Prayers for a productive day.

Through out the day I choose to smile, be kind and laugh out loud.

I choose to be thankful and grateful for what I have and the company around me.

I choose to help others, be a support system when they need it or just a sounding board.

I choose to be happy.

I choose to be a responsible human being.

I choose to stop, breathe and think when I am angry.

I choose to walk away when it is not significant and stand my ground when it is important to me.

I choose to protect my family.I may not always choose the right path, and when I do not, I choose to apologize or make things right.

Its amazing how many choices we all make each day. Make sure the automatic ones are healthy for your soul, kind and happy.It is OK to be selfish with your choices, but not at the destruction of others.

Like with a Genie and three wishes, always choose wisely. There may be no going back.

Choose love.

And choose to Love Big.



Day 14 of my birth month. Yeah, yeah, I’m still a day late and a dollar short.
Work and Dr. Visits. Nothing major, all hormonal. God has such a sense if humor.

Give me the freedom of no more pregnancies, empty nest and just when I get used to it….boom!

Hot flash, cold flash, I love you get out of my face flash. I will end you flash, why the hell did I come in this room flash,
They marked the size of these pants wrong flash, awwwww you’re a sweet heart flash.
I love you all, my hormones has issues, please ignore them. I can’t take them anywhere anymore.
I’m thankful for a good flash now and again.



Sitting in the dark again with my coffee, thinking about my last birthday. I turned 55 this month. I wonder where the time went. Jeez. Seems just yesterday I was running with high school buddies. 43 years of 55 I have worked, longer if you count mowing yards from 8 until 12 years old.

I constantly find things to do and learn. I’m afraid if I slow down I wont start back up.

Full time at the hospital, AFLAC Agent, instructor at the tech center (cooking classes) private chef….that’s just my paid positions now..
Shouldn’t I be thinking of retirement?
I do. But then what? Hmmmm
I’m tired, but not tired enough to quit.

Keeping busy keeps me young. My children are now in their 30’s and I have a grand daughter that is running with her high school buddies.

Life comes full circle.
And I am enjoying the ride.


Another day in paradise. Well, my paradise. I wake up next to someone that loves me. He must if you know anything about me. I can be a little difficult at times. I call it independent. It’s taken a few decades to realize how relationships should be.
The joy of being with someone is you WANT to, not NEED to.
When I was young, it was find a nice boy, get married, have babies….well, I did all that backwards lol. I learned to take care of me and mine. The freedom that gives you is amazing.
You are more observant of how you are being treated, you don’t tolerate unhappiness for fear of being alone. You like your own company.
When you choose a partner because you love their company and they compliment and complete you, not take care of you financially the difference is world changing.
Love yourself first. Respect who you are. Be self sufficient in all ways before inviting someone to share that with you. Let them be your partner, supporter, cheerleader and lover. You be the same for them.
Life will be paradise.


There is just something about that first sip of hot coffee.
It travels right through you.
It doesn’t matter if it 100° or 10°, the feeling is always welcomed.

This morning my first sip is a toast to Friday. A productive week and a celebration weekend of friends joining in marriage.

You can receive blessings any time in life.
You just have to be ready every moment of every day, and expect it!

Make your own happiness! Allow others to be apart and contribute but don’t wait around for someone else to do the work.

99% of my days start with that sip that touches my soul.
My first taste of happiness for the day. Which makes me desire more.
More happiness
More smiles
More laughter

I’ve noticed that some people just are not happy.
Obviously they don’t want to be or they would do something about it.
It is a controlled feeling and you are in control whether you realize it or not.

Some of these unhappy people can not stand happy people.
They try so hard to spread their gloom and doom.
I guess misery does love company.
Instead of trying to catch the “Happy Bug”, they want to bring you down.
I wish they would realize how dangerous that is.
Infecting people with misery, and passing that on to others makes for a dark world.

Have you looked outside lately?
Lots of misery loving company.
When being happy is so much easier and better for the soul.
Better for those around you.

I am sure some people just enjoy being in the middle of drama. Stirring the pot, being the center of attention.
Making themselves happy by making others miserable.
That’s power.
Power only you can give them.
So hang on to it.
Send them on their way with your brilliant smile and laughter.

Own your happiness and rule it with an iron fist.
For those of you who choose unhappiness?
You are missing out on life.

Be happy my friends and
Love big!


Image may contain: indoor


I was asked why I did not take off work when I had my accident.
I am not a glutton for punishment and I must admit, it was probably the hardest work week of my life to date.

I’ve worked with the flu, kidney stones and even while in labor.
But alone at work, (opening the kitchen at 430 the next person arriving at 6), light headed from a concussion, worried I would pass out and it would be a while before anyone found me.
Well, that was a little scary.

But I had made a promise.
I was covering an employee that was taking much needed time off that week. No way was I calling and canceling that. She is a Rock star employee and had not taken any time, plus works 60 hour weeks because of staffing issues.

So the answer to that question?
Loyalty and work ethic.

Loyalty to those that are the same to me. The ones that go the extra mile, automatically without question.
In this instance, a team member, my work family.
One that stands by me, rolls her eyes, vents behind closed doors, laughs and says No, but is here day in and day out.

Work ethic.
This is my responsibility. It is my job to protect and support my staff. They are needed way more than I to run this department.
If I took off every time I didn’t feel good, or just didn’t want to go in, I would not have a job.
Of course I’d rather stay home snuggled with a fur baby! But life doesn’t work that way.

Supporting each other makes life so much easier. Like any relationship, give and take.
Be the leader or the team member you would need. The one that is loyal, responsible and has great work ethic. Always there when needed.
You will be rewarded.

Set the example.
What you do is louder than what you say.
Respect each other.
And of course,
Love big,


Image may contain: ocean, sky, mountain, cloud, outdoor, nature and water