Early mornings all week. Decided to stop getting ready for work and enjoy a cup of coffee in the dark cool TV room. I miss opening the Bistro and my coffee time at the bar, in the dark watching out the front doors.

Almost a meditation time for me. I should do it daily but feel getting to work early should be the norm, not flying in at a minute to 8.

Early is on time. On time is late. And late is unacceptable.

But that is the leader in me. I wish everyone took pride in what they do, ownership of their positions. You cant teach work ethic. You have to lead by example.

My thoughts wandered. This was about alone time. In the quiet with only my thoughts.
What can I do to improve my position?
What can I do to excel?
One quiet cup of coffee, in a dark cool room can slow things down enough to help gather my thoughts.
I cant be everything for everyone, but I can be loyal to me, my own cheerleader, motivator when needed. Do what makes me happy, go where I’m most appreciated.

Cup is empty.
Time to get ready for the day.
Be loyal to you.
Be happy.
Be the best at what you do.
Surround yourself with positive people. It makes a world of difference, I promise.
Take the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee to just enjoy your own company.

One thought on “LOYAL”

  1. I love this. Leading by example is exactly what you do. I am so extremely lucky to have you as my friend.

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