My knee is snuggled under the covers with an ice pack this morning.
I worked it a bit yesterday, and was up every 2 hours going to the bathroom all night. Talk about getting some exercise!
So right now, its coffee, the DVRd OU game, Maddie and Big Daddy on the couch relaxing.
I have payroll to do today and somehow need to get my laundry done. But Sundays are downtime days for us.
Spend time together and do nothing if that’s what happens. Before you know it, boom! Monday.
I will nap.
That is a given.
My head on Troy’s lap is an automatic nap.
Works for Maddie too.
Enjoy your Sunday.
Drink some coffee.
Watch some ball, have brunch, take a nap or dance in the living room.
Make sure it is recharging your soul.
Love big my friends.
Month: December 2020
Dec 20, 2019
I’m sitting, coffee in hand in my dark cool room.
I took today off.
A mental health day.
A day devoted to recharging and refocusing.
I may or may not get out of my jammies today.
My day may include but not be limited to, coffee. Naps. Pizza. Vanilla crown. Friends. Netflix. Movies. Writing. Shopping.
Ok, that would fill my day and I’d probably need another off to recoup!
And there’s Saturday! Perfect timing.
Whatever I do or don’t do, today is about me. My mental health.
Stepping back for a few and reevaluating my life plans. Which at times include laundry.
Everyone needs to stop once in a while and just breathe.
Clear your mind.
Take in long deep breaths of positivity while exhaling negativity.
Closing your eyes and visualizing the way you want things to happen. Then the universe will set in motion your desires.
Work at them.
You deserve them.
I’m fortunate to have an entire day.
But it only takes a few minutes.
Sometimes over coffee, in a dark cool room.
Dec 18, 2019 gifts
This week is taking its sweet time.
I guess I shouldn’t complain, Christmas is a week away. I’ve missed the hustle and bustle because I’ve stayed out of the stores.
The weather does not say Christmas.
Seeing people out and about with scarves, heavy coats and gloves seem to be a sure sign that the holidays have arrived.
That’s not happening.
I dont listen to the radio when I drive, so I haven’t heard Jingle Bells or more importantly, the BC Clark Christmas Jingle.
If it weren’t for the frost on my windows in the morning it could be September.
The tell tale signs of the holidays, to remind you of the past and what is to come.
People do seem a little more cheerful.
Parties are happening, gatherings of friends.
Gifts, which let me say are not important. Not the physical item.
Could be bound blank paper to capture your thoughts or the most exquisite diamond.
The real gift is the thought behind it.
Someone thought of you.
Took the time to choose something they hoped every time you saw it reminded you that they think of you.
The best gift is to be remembered.
That doesn’t come in shiny paper with a big bow.
It comes from the heart.
Treat every day like Christmas.
Remind people they are important and have meaning in your life.
Give them the gift they can hold tight and take everywhere.
Many blessings to you and yours.
Hugs my friends!
I would rather be taking pictures of my toes in the sand, but it is what it is.
As always the surgical team at Grady Memorial was amazing! Will induces the best naps! Sandy had me laughing even while sticking me for an IV, and the rest of the staff sure makes the process enjoyable.
Thank you all.
So Dr. Uhland fixed a torn meniscus, courtesy of my boating accident, cleaned out a little arthritis and said I had a young healthy knee and would never need a replacement!
Funny thing, my dentist said I had great teeth for my age and cardiologist told me my heart seemed younger than me.
How many times have I said, I am immortal?
🍷☕🍕 the secret to a long life?
Immortality doesn’t mean no pain.
It does hurt right now, but the healing has just begun.
Thanks for the prayers and good vibes, I love my tribe.
You all rock.
Special thanks to my wonderful friend Tammy for playing nurse to me at home so I don’t make Big Daddy crazy watching me sleep. I had to make him go away. He is my knight in shining armor but he is getting a break this time.
I will whip out the laptop tomorrow, work on the cook book, do a little work from home, so everyone gets paid. Maybe it will keep them from burning down the kitchen while I’m out.
I’m fortunate my staff will knock it out of the park.
For now, ice is my friend.
It may be vodka tomorrow, but we will play it by ear 🤣🤣
Until later, enjoy your evening, snuggle your loved ones.
And love big!
Dec 17, 2019
I didnt write yesterday.
Maybe because it was Monday or I just didnt have anything to say.
My grade school teachers would all agree it was NOT that i didnt have anything to say. Lord know they told me to shut up and move to the front alot in those days.
Writing “I will not talk in class” only honed my writing skills. I would dot my “I’s” with hearts or flowers. Practice my cursive as I got older. It may have kept my mouth occupied, but my young brain was on full blast!
Its flattering when I don’t share my thoughts one day and people ask me about it, or just tell me that they enjoy finding my post first thing on the morning.
Well, this one is for you!
People like you help me step out of my comfort zone. Whether it is cooking for you or sharing my thoughts, your words of encouragement push me forward.
Never stop being that type of person and friend.
If we encourage one another to succeed, just think what a wonderful life we would be living! And the best part…
It doesn’t cost a thing!
Your success takes nothing from mine.
Hear that?
Your bright light doesn’t dim mine.
Your shining star doesn’t cause mine to shoot down. It actually helps light up the night sky.
I can light your candle with mine and my flame will continue to burn, and when our wicks touch, the flame is even brighter.
I pray you reach whatever goals you desire.
And on the path there you help and inspire another on their journey.
Thank you for the encouragement.
Thank you for exploring my thoughts.
Go shine that light so others may see!
I needed new socks and these are free.
They have the slip resistant nibs on the bottom for old people like me. Maybe they will help me with the top rung of the ladder next time. 🤣🤣
I am getting a knee scope and a much needed nap!
Merry Christmas to me!
Anything I post after this time will probably be under the influence, so let me warn you now. Not apologize, mind you, this is my page and I am responsible for the entertainment factor. And I may be entertaining!
Old age didn’t get me this time, it was having too good a time and not paying attention. It’s been 5 months since my accident and I have healed pretty nice! Cant even see my nose scars!
So, a couple of more scars to brag about and a fresh knee to keep kicking.
You know this won’t stop me.
I appreciate all the prayers and good vibes today!
Love big!
Rub some dirt on it
Another cold morning.
I miss going to the lake and feeling the sun on my face while laughing with friends.
The cold hurts.
Physically hurts.
Yeah. Yeah. Its my age. The aches and pains of getting older. Funny, it seems while I am moving and doing things I don’t feel the hurt so much.
It’s when I am still.
Every part of me seems to talk.
My feet throb from standing all day.
My legs are sore, sometimes numb in places. My knees crack when I bend them.
Hips feel like I have been hula dancing all day. My lower back screams.
I feel like I have a muscle that thinks its an anaconda wrapping around my shoulders, back and neck, squeezing and pushing the air out of me. Moving my arms only makes it madder.
Even my scalp hurts.
So I am rarely still.
I move.
I enjoy life.
I don’t know how to act my age because I’ve never been this age before.
If I break something I will get it fixed.
And keep going.
I will eat cake for dinner and pizza for breakfast.
And lots of bacon.
I will ride the roller coaster if I want.
Drive fast and love slow.
That is what makes me feel young.
Not sitting around.
That gives my body time to complain and complaining doesn’t fix anything.
So I will “rub some dirt on it” like my dad used to say and keep playing.
My life, my rules.
Let’s get this party started!
I’ll see you on the playground.
Love big
Dec 15, 2019 Chemae
I slept in a bit this morning.
I spent some quality time with my baby daughter yesterday. There was laughter, tears and lots of coffee. I know that’s the way to her heart. As long as I have coffee mate.
Chemae has a beautiful soul.
Her heart is big enough to hold love like no other.
She gives so much of herself to help others that I used to worry. I felt like she should be taking care of herself and family. Then I realized she was.
She is teaching her kids it’s ok to give of yourself and help others even when you dont have much. Thanksgiving this year, her family cooked for the homeless shelter. She could have spent that time with her own family, kicked back and enjoying someone else cooking, but no, she wanted to give back.
It’s not just people she takes in, but animals too. Strays of all kinds seem to find their way to her. I think God guides them.
I’ve watched this girl grow into a woman the hard way. Like the rest of us, making not so good decisions along the way, but never once did she turn her back on someone in need.
She is a stay at home mom, and feels like a failure because she isnt successful.
Let me say this….
Oh baby girl, you are more successful than you will ever know. You have touched the hearts and lives of so many, me included with your faith in humanity.
I couldn’t be more proud.
You will only get stronger now that you have a partner that believes like you.
I love you and I know your life has made a difference in So many others.
Success isn’t measured in dollars and cents.
Being a truly decent and loving human being is rare and worth more than gold and silver.
You are rich beyond your wildest dreams my dear. I wish i had half the heart you do.
☕ here’s to you Chemae,
I love you and the woman you’ve become.
I’m proud to be your Mom. ❤
I know I’ve succeeded when I look at my children. Their accomplishments are mine in a sense. Most are more than I will ever achieve.
Now you all go hug your babies!
Dec 14, 2014
Another year is wrapping up, and instead of resolutions I tend to look back and see what if anything I’ve accomplished. The minutes, hours, and days fly by much faster than they used to. my body reminds me on occasion that it’s not 20 anymore, slow down a bit. My mind tells me to ignore that thought, you are 20. I watch my children grow more successful each day and hope that I was an influence in there somehow. Grand children oh the grandchildren, how I miss them. I don’t see them as much as I should. I should be a better grandmother. I’ve never seen myself as a gray haired little old lady, but that’s creeping up on me too.
I should have a bucket list, but don’t. Makes things seem like they will come to an end, and I do want to live forever. I don’t want to miss a thing. I miss my parents. I have regrets, but don’t dwell on them. I lived , I learned. I hope. I work everyday to make people happy. Whether it’s with food, a paycheck, or an encouraging word. And I get tired. Lord I get tired. I wish I could remember all the memories of my childhood, and other times. I’d write a book just for me. Something to read before bedtime and remind me just how long I’ve been around and some of the things the good Lord has allowed me to experience.
Guess this time of year is a little melancholy. Thanks for being a part of my life. I’m fortunate to have Troy as my anchor or there is no telling where I’d fly off to. God bless and keep you.
It is cold outside.
No, it is frozen outside, like Queen Elsa had a bad day, cold.
It will probably take 30 minutes to get into my car. Mainly because I will start it and come back inside and have more coffee. I let the defrost do its thing. No since in breaking a sweat in 20 degrees to scrape a window when the ice will melt all by itself.
Besides, an extra cup of coffee is always nice.
We cleaned out the refrigerator yesterday, and put food out back for the barn cats and our visiting opossum. He was scarfing down mushrooms last night when I looked out. Some people find them ugly. I think they are cute as a bug. Especially when I think about them eating all the unwanted bugs in the yard. He has even taken food from Troy’s hand before. I think he knows we are friends. And friends lend a helping hand when they can.
My body does not want to go out in the cold. I dont like socks or coats. I know, weird.
But today I have to suck it up and wear both. Work calls and I have to adult whether I like it or not.
We all do things we don’t want to do. Of course they need to be done. My goal one day is to not have to do those things. Work on my own time. Have my own rules I can change at random and never use an alarm clock again.
I will have that extra cup of coffee, watch the sun come up from my porch, not my windshield, and wear pajamas all day if thats my wish.
Play secret Santa all year long, making people smile unexpectedly.
Read and write. Sip wine or screwdrivers in the middle of the day with a lunch of cake if I so desire.
Its never too late in life to have them.
Always something to look forward to. I will achieve them. So if you want on my Santa list. You better behave!
Stay warm my friends. If you are fortunate to get to stay in, do so. Snuggle a loved one or fur baby. Enjoy the solitude or company.
Just enjoy.
Love big