Dreams and more Dreams

There are mornings I want to just stay snuggled under the covers.
When I get up, it disturbs Maddie and some times she will pick her head up to mean mug me and other times she will just replace me next to Troy and keep my warm spot warm.

There are nights I dream all night long. If I wake up mid dream I try hard to go back to sleep to finish.
I love to dream.
I believe there is meaning to them. My sub conscious talking to me. Trying to guide me down the crazy path of life.
As a child I was afraid to sleep. I had what I called night terrors. They weren’t nightmares. They were full sensory episodes of sound, smell, movement around me but I felt I could not move. May be why I’m claustrophobic now.
I would wake up screaming.
My mom would come running from the other end of the house to calm me. It seemed to be a nightly thing.

I wish I knew the meaning of them. I don’t remember when they stopped. I’m just glad they did.
They were terrifying.
Now my dreams are entertaining, puzzling with people, places and things. Sometimes a mystery to be solved.
Like the hidden room I’ve have dreams about often. Its in a house that I don’t recognize except from my dreams, that pops up at different times. The room is hidden and I have to crawl through a narrow passageway and its filled with boxes and items, but I’ve never gone through them.
I’ve often wondered if that room was my memory vault. I don’t remember much from my childhood. I’ve often thought of getting hypnotized to remember. Maybe each of those boxes contains a significant memory. But one I wanted to forget. Maybe best left locked.
Troy tells me dreams have no meaning. Just my imagination.
Maybe not.
In the meantime, I will day dream and night dream. And if the lottery numbers show up in there, I may have to play.
Sweet dreams my friends, and may all your good dreams come true!
Love big,

May be an image of food, tree, nature, sky, road and twilight

Jan 24, 2020

One of my favorite phrases…
“You bring about what you speak about”
When I post in the mornings I try to be positive and motivating. Write something that may cause people to stop for just a second and ponder. Maybe convince someone they really do matter, contrary to the negativity they live with every day.
As I was scrolling thru my Facebook page, I am noticing more and more positive posts. Some from people that used to post about their worries and complaints.
I’m not saying I am the reason for that. What I am saying is I speak it and I see it coming back to me.
Reading positivity is a great way to start your day. I usually scroll past the gloom and doom. I do not need that negativity in my life and neither do you.
Turn it around and post in a positive way. It can be done!
For example, if you were laid off, yes that can be tragic. All you post is the negative side, harping on poor me, I don’t have a job, how will I pay the bills, it’s not fair….
You’ve seen the posts. And yes, you feel sorry for the person, and then you start thinking, wow, what if that happens to me….and negative thoughts start running rampant.
Its contagious!!!
Would you rather read that or…
New doors are opening for me today. After being laid off I am reaching for new opportunities! I am taking my experience to a new level and will find the perfect fit for me and my family. Send all your good vibes this way!
And guess what….
It will happen.
You bring about what you speak about.
So speak of joy, happiness and prosperity.
Speak of love, friendship and opportunity.
You will have a fabulous life! ❤

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Jan 22, 2020

Good morning!
It is cold and wet outside but nice and warm in my little dark room, coffee warming my insides.
I’ve been seeing the “Get to know me” memes and lists where you fill in the blanks and swap secrets about yourself. I’ve played a few and they are fun. Good information for future reference if you want to surprise someone with a thoughtful gift.
It’s also good information for identity thieves when you post the answers to what is a normal security question like your first grade teachers name or favorite pet.
Be careful when posting those answers but have fun.
I decided to post a list of my answers to numerous questions I’ve seen.
Let’s start with food….always my favorite.
How do you like your…..
Steak: definitely a ribeye, rare to mid rare, well seasoned, no steak sauce. If I’m using steak sauce, the steak sucks.
Eggs: I’ve never met an egg I didnt like. I prefer a running yolks, so over easy, sunny, poached are my favs on top of almost anything. But will savor a well made omelet filled with yummies that have been heated first and melted cheese. Best way to ruin an omelet, put cold fillings inside. Yuk
Coffee: fresh ground beans are best, you catch the aroma twice. I like it black, but if its bitter a splash of cream. Real cream.
Alchohol: I love a good margarita, top shelf of course. Vanilla or peach crown Neat. Great sipping whiskey to warm you up.
I could go on and on about food items. It’s my thing. Let’s see what else I like.
Superheroes: all of them! My office is covered in them. Iron man got me hooked, and no, Tony Stark is not my password.
Michael Keaton IS BATMAN. And I’ve wanted to be Wonder Woman since Lynda Carter was spinning around and lassoing bad guys. Then there is Aquaman. Jason, be still my beating heart. ❤❤
Books, I have no favorites. I try to read How to win friends and influence people once a year or so. I have over 100 cookbooks, imagine that. Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Maxwell, I love motivational and self help. And journals. Blank pages just waiting for my thoughts. Sometimes it’s a recipe, poem, or just doodles.
Makeup: no, not really. I wear mascara. I have eyes that disappear behind my glasses. I didnt wear makeup in school. Mainly because it costs money and that was not a priorty for me. I focused on my skin and still do. I’ll put my face on for special occasions. It’s like the ultimate filter, I dont use filters when I do a selfie. What you see is what you get. So applying make up is hard for me. I’m impressed with woman who can contour, shade, all that stuff and look like a beautiful China doll.
Dogs or Cats: as a child, we had both. Over the years I’ve developed a slight allergy to cats. I’m a fur momma. I love furbabies. We have our Maddie that goes to work with Daddy and guards us from the evil delivery person or door knocker. She basically a glorified doorbell. But shes ours and a member of our family.
Wow, this is getting long and I’m out of coffee. Maybe more another day. Or if you want to know something, ask. If its it’s none of your business I’ll tell you. 😁😁
Have a great day and enjoy the things you love, try something new, you may love it too!

May be an image of text that says '1 am a froot loop in a world of cheerios'

Jan 20, 2020

I’m sitting alone again this morning with my coffee. Sometimes I wonder what goes through some of your minds when I talk about a quiet, dark room. If you are a stranger do you wonder if I’m writing from my jail cell? Padded room? Closet?
I’ve had friends come over and ask, “ok, where’s this dark room you are always in?”
Its our living room, TV room, whatever you call it. I sit on the couch, pull my footstool up, place my coffee on it, (I don’t have a coffee table)and gather my thoughts.
I text with my early bird friends, send a few motivational texts, meditate, scroll Facebook and if something pops in my head to write about, I end up here.
Note this morning I really don’t have a subject. Just clearing out odds and ends in my head.
I have a 4 day week. I’ll cram 5 days of work into it believe me.
Friday will start a weekend retreat with friends.
I’ll be cooking, which soothes my soul and decompressing from 2019. There is beautiful scenery outside the cabin and beautiful souls inside.
The perfect combination for meditation and fellowship.
Oh, and there is coffee.
And a dark quiet room early in the morning where I can sit and enjoy the sounds and shuffle my thoughts.
Maybe even share them here.
Enjoy your Monday my friends.

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Jan 17, 2020

Good morning
I am getting ready for my last day of the work week. It’s been a challenging week. I wont go into detail and bore you, or entertain you depending on your outlook on life.
We will just celebrate today.
Not because its Friday, but because if you are reading this we woke up on the right side of the dirt.
Not everyone gets that privilege. I am fortunate to still be here. I plan on living a long healthy life. I have a different outlook on life and living now. It stems from the Event that happened June 1, 2018.

The day I died.
It was a Friday at the shop. Beautiful day, having a cocktail after work with Big Daddy and a friend when I started to feel bad. That’s the only word I could use to describe the feeling.
I knew something was wrong but couldn’t tell what. There was no pain, just a feeling.
Then it happened.
My face went white, lips blue. My eyes rolled back, my left arm pulled in tight to my body.
No heartbeat, pulse or breathing.
My friend was yelling for Troy and yelling my name. I could hear their voices, far away and muffled while I was in a white room.
At least I felt like it was a room. I could see nothing but white. No shapes, objects, not even my own hands.

Everything was a bright. Blinding white.
I was speaking with someone. Actually 2 someone’s. Just voices. I do not recall if they were Male or female. I like to think it was my mom and dad. Nor do I remember what we were talking about.
The entire time I could hear my name being yelled, behind me somewhere. I was trying to ignore it and focus on the voices before me.
I finally turned around and yelled “why are you yelling at me?”

That’s when my eyes opened. I was face to face with Troy and my friend, they were almost as white as the room I was just in.
Troy replied “because you died”
I laughed a bit and said ” yeah right, but I do think I peed myself.” When in actuality I had lost my bowels. After a quick shower at the shop they took me to the ER.
I wont go into details now, maybe one day I’ll write the entire story from beginning to end, if anything to document it for myself. But after almost a year of testing every organ in my body, brain, and even a heart cath, I am healthier than most women my age. No stroke, heart attack nothing.

No reason for what happened.
Just a quick visit to a beautiful place.
Quiet, peaceful, painless and comforting.
And a lesson.
This is not my last adventure.
There will be another. And although I’m not in any hurry to start that one, I’m not afraid .

Live each day like its your last.
Enjoy the smells, sounds and sights each day.
Take the time to sit and enjoy your solitude and surroundings. And of course that first cup of coffee.
And love.
Love big.
And be sure and the tell the people that have an impact on your life how you feel, they matter and make a difference.
Love you all, big dreams, big rewards!

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Make life fun!
Sometimes, well a lot of times we have to do things we really don’t want to do.
For whatever reasons, like wearing socks.
There are some cold mornings I need to, so I make it fun.
It is especially fun with dress clothes.
Going to the office instead of staying umder the covers at home like a good adult, can suck the fun out of a day if you let it.
By wearing these silly socks, I could look down through out the day and remind myself….
I am in charge of my happiness, and today I choose to be happy!
Even in socks.
My socks protect me.
My socks keep me warm.
My socks make me smile.
My socks make others laugh.
All of that makes me happy.
So when I HAVE to wear them,
I am happy.
I’m not HAPPY!
I am happy.
So no matter what kind of day follows you around, be sure and ward off the bad with something to remind you of the good
And be happy, or better yet…
Love big,

May be an image of footwear

Jan 15, 2020

Some days are challenging.
I wont say impossible because
I made it to today.
When I think out and plan the way I want my day to go, I forget there are other circumstances that can throw a wrench in it.
Over the years I have learned I do not have control over those times. Hard lesson, because I can be a control freak at times. I used to throw full fledged fits if things didnt go my way. I know, that is so hard to believe unless we have been friends a long time, then you may have seen it.
I do have control of how I respond to such times. That is the key to surviving it mentally.
Don’t react
I guess life is all about interaction, good, bad or indifferent. Any one thing can change the course of the day. You have the power to sway it one way or another.
Wield that power!
Slay the day!
You got this!

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Data Entry ugh!

Nothing ruins a perfectly good Friday like waking up realizing its Thursday.
It has been a long week.
I am still on desk duty, we are short 3 people, another texts his resignation with a 9 minute notice, and my computer dumped about 4 hours worth of data entry.
Do you know what I did?
I got up, stretched, took a walk to unstiffen my knee, grabbed some water and revised the game plan.
And smiled.
I may or may not have typed with my middle finger the rest of the day….
But I smiled.
Back to my office, completed exit paperwork and back to the numbers.
Data entry is so boring!
There was no way I could spend another 4 hours staring at tiny numbers on a screen, and remain sane, so I broke it up.
An hour of numbers, stretch, walk, water, check on my amazing staff that are running the joint for me.
Attention to other things I needed to get done to give my eyes a break.
By 5 o’clock I had a big part re-entered, not all of it, but enough to make me feel accomplished.
I had reworked the schedule, covering all the empty spots thanks to my super heroes.
Put the final touches on the next menu and passed them out.
I even got my payroll done.
And kept smiling.
I could have stomped around, felt sorry for myself, spread the gloom, but I don’t need that negativity in my life.
And it’s contagious!!
My staff is working double time as it is to cover and seeing me stressed and out of control is no help.
I will spread the love.
And smile.
That’s contagious too and such a better option.
So, today’s lesson ladies and gentlemen, change what you can and step over the rest.
Don’t let anything or anyone slow down your progress.
Move ahead with the smile on your face.
And did I mention, I rewarded myself with a steak dinner and bottle of wine last night. Best Wednesday ever!
Love big and smile my friends.
It’s not the end of the world.
You still have tomorrow on it’s way.

May be an illustration of one or more people, hair and eyeglasses