Sept 25,2016 Miss Erma

It’s amazing where you learn and from whom you learn life lessons.

There is a beautiful 95 year old woman that I visit 3 times a week and get to chat with for about 15 minutes or so.

We talk about the weather , growing up in a different time , or what awesome husbands we have and had. Hers sounds like he was pretty special.

She tells me all the time you can’t get what you don’t ask for. Anytime something is going on in my life she prays with me and we ask for what I want.

God hasn’t failed me. I’m just glad the things I want are the things he’s willing to let me have. Like such a wonderful friend with 95 years life experience she is willing to share with me.

I love you Erma. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers.

Sept 25, 2019 mental health day

Another early morning and coffee.

I need a mental health day.

A full day of what I want to do.

Not think, clean, work. Analyze, solve, move, understand, adult or cook.

Well, maybe cook That relaxes me and I love feeding people. I even put myself up for auction to cook brunch and cocktails. Proceeds to help a sick friend while off work.

We all need a day we can just be.

Recharge our batteries.

A calendar day with absolutely nothing penciled in except changing oxygen into carbon dioxide. Front porch with a book, Netflix binge and pizza, day drinking, whatever your most relaxing activity.

Spend a day doing it.

Pamper yourself with time. It is limited. As wonderful as it is to share it with others our mental health needs the recharge. Schedule yourself a little time.

You deserve it. And you never know how much of it you have left.

Empty cup…time to move again.

Have a wonderful day, and an even better day alone.


Sept 24, 2019 Pampering

Looking in the mirror this morning while getting ready for my day, I thought about my routine. This week it is up at 4 am to help cover open slots at work. Up earlier so I can get in my daily regimen of skincare. I truly believe this helps me to stay feeling younger than I am. Regular trips to Rryon for my hair care, Vinnie for my nails and believe it or not, having a pizza when I can to keep that young girl inside me peeking out constantly. I think she is sitting on the older me, telling her to wait her turn. Sure these physical Pampers help a lot, but some things that money cant buy are big contributors to me working on imortality.

Hearing my grandkids laughing and seeing a toothless smile. Playing games with our grown children and watching all that competitiveness come out. Troy is the worst, Erin is a close second. Those unexpected calls or texts from the kids to just update me on their lives. Classmate/friend reunions that bring back fun memories.

Here lately it’s been my quiet cup of coffee and time. Time to just think of all for which I am grateful . Favorite memories to start my day with a smile. Time that problems, worries and the such cant penetrate.

My fountain of youth time. Shared with my magical bean elixir. That’s my secret. I hope you try it someday.

We all have a spare 15 minutes to indulge ourselves. It could add years to your inner young person. Give them the strength to keep sitting on the older one. Have a beautiful day full of new memory making time.

Time for a refill… Lorene

Image may contain: Lorene Fite Wood, smiling, closeup

Another cup

Another early morning. Yesterday wrapped its arms around me and whispered in my ear, “you are not 25 anymore.. Well, I never! By 2pm, my hips, legs and feet were yelling, no, screaming at me to slow down. I started my day at 3:45 am.

Just like this morning, paused for a cup of coffee while my equipment heated up, like this morning, just another day living the dream. Only yesterday, shut me down. I almost crawled to my car, picked up my fur baby and went home. I laid on the couch and was out until 5pm. I took a couple of aleeve, and laid down again. By 7:30, I had moved to the bed. I don’t remember hearing Troy come home. I slept hard and had strange dreams all night. Up at 3:30 am, just before my alarm, my body still sore but not hurting, I jumped, well, meandered to the shower and let the hot water revive my muscles.

I am at work early again. Breakfast calls. And I do enjoy cooking. A change of pace from my every day tasks, those of which I am behind. Yikes. My inner 25 year old may have to whisper a little softer to me today and not get me doing things this 56 year old body will regret at 2pm today.

One thing that wont hurt, is another cup of coffee, and I will Love big,


Image may contain: text that says 'THIS DAY WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. MAKE THE MOST OF IT.'

Take time to pray

I came in a little early so I could enjoy a cup of coffee in the dark before cooking breakfast for the hospital this morning.
The noises here are a little different than home. I can hear the hum of the air conditioner, the ice machine’s melting ice dripping into the tray and ting of the serving line heating up.
Its a beautiful fall morning. I’d much rather be snuggled up in bed at this hour, but adulting happens and we have hungry patients and employees.
There will be bacon.
Lots of bacon.
But at this moment, coffee, silence and my thoughts.
A little time to pray for those around me, that they find their inner peace. Pray they get that job they desire, stay healthy, find their soul mate, learn to love themselves.
I pray for peace
For you and me.
Take the time to pray for others as well as yourself.
Love big

Image may contain: people sitting and indoor

Sept 22, 2019 Life Seasons

Beautiful porch morning. I can feel and smell fall in the air. Cool breeze, I could nap right here.
The changing of the seasons can be subtle or abrupt. One day is bright and sunny, the next may have snow on the ground.
My seasons have been like this also.
Childhood was an abrupt change to motherhood, a season that lingers all through life. A favorite season of mine but most difficult. A season of learning, mistakes, joy, Pride, heartache, laughing, crying, wonder, worry, determination, sleepless nights, confusion, the list goes on.
Motherhood is a permanent season. It doesn’t end when you have an empty nest. We worry about our adult children, lose sleep, cry and pray every day that you taught them everything they need to make a good life.
No matter how successful they become, you are mom. Its your job to worry, applaud, smile and be there.
You are always that human “Google “, Dr. Phil, and “call a friend” hotline.
The easiest part of motherhood is just being there. The hardest is not being able to “fix” all their problems.
Then the season changes again, this time to a silver season.
Your children’s motherhood or fatherhood season. Where you sit back and watch the learning, mistakes, joy, pride, heartache, laughs, tears… get it.
I’m enjoying this season of life. When this one changes, I hope its subtle and takes it’s time. I want to enjoy the cool breeze and clean air. I want it to linger as long as possible.
Enjoy the season you are in, it will change.

Image may contain: shoes and outdoor

Sept. 21, 2019 not 30 anymore

I had to get some coffee in for sure this morning. I am feeling someone’s age.
I don’t think I’m that old. 😁
On my feet almost nonstop yesterday from
4 am until 730 pm for multi tiered catering and my legs and back are letting me know this morning that no matter what I think, I’m not 30 anymore.
😝ha! But I did it! All by myself too.
Seriously, how old do you feel?
I see myself differently. I look in the mirror and see a 30 something woman. I don’t see the crows feet or wrinkles. I don’t see the extra pounds here and there.
I’m still Lorene.
My brain refuses to see me “old”.
I have no problem with that. 🤣
I can still out work the younger staff, get up at 4 am and go strong.
I have multiple income streams, I will be a millionaire one day by the way.
I love life.
Maybe that’s my secret.
I’m excited to wake up every day and jump feet first into life. I love being in control of my destiny.
I love inhaling possibilities and exhaling opportunities.
I turned 55 last month.
Age has always been a number to me. I haven’t had a birthday that has saddened me. I’m grateful for each one I have! Not all my friends or family have had as many as I.
Those that know me, know I celebrate all month! And count each and every one!
Celebrate life! Don’t fret you will turning 30, 40. 80.
Look back and say damn, what a ride! What can I do now? And keep doing!
There is so much out there I have on a bucket list and plan to live long enough to accomplish it all and feel like a kid doing it.
Well. I think I’ll build a blanket fort and watch cartoons,
it is Saturday.
Have a spectacular weekend!


I actually slept through the dark this morning.
But not my coffee!

Sitting on the front porch with Maddie on guard.
She makes sure the barn cats don’t attack me.
Listening to the birds chatter back and forth. We have a mocking bird that hangs around, wonder if I can teach it to sing an Eagles song.
The fall weather is here this morning.
There is a chill in the air giving me goosebumps.
A heavy dew making everything sparkle, no wind, overcast skies.

A much needed break from all the insanity.

The perfect time to breathe and go over the past week.
Successes, failures, make a mental To Do list for next week, then forget it.

Enjoy the fresh air.
Enjoy my fur baby time. She is normally at the shop all day.
She loves me, sort of, when Daddy is not around. 😬😁

This is me time.
I take advantage of it every chance I get. During the week it may be quiet time in the dark, but Saturdays are mine.
I can be lazy, stay in my gown all day, visit friends, have a pamper day, go out to eat, read a book, write a book for that matter.
Quiet time is healing time.
Refilling the cup time.
Recharging those batteries time.
YOUR time.

It is also time you will never get back. Once its gone, its gone. So take advantage when you have it. Share it or be stingy with it.
Just make it happen.

I am going to refill my coffee and enjoy another cup.
Possibly make myself and Maddie a little breakfast and enjoy each others company.

Enjoy this perfect day.
Love big!


I had a chat last week with someone about being in school.

The big, home made pizzas and how you could get seconds. Home made kolaches full of fruit, hot rolls….the kitchen ladies rocked!
It was ok to eat all that because they sent us outside to burn off all that carb energy.
The games we played are no more. Tether ball. Dodge ball, metal slides, jungle gyms.
The conversation stirred up all kinds of memories.

I didn’t realize how much of my childhood to include high school I had tucked away and forgot.
I saw an old friend from school yesterday that brought a few of those forward. I could have sat and talked for hours, maybe we will again soon.
It made my heart happy.
We all have memories, good and bad that don’t come forward until someone mentions it, a song comes on, a smell or even a Deja vu moment.

I love posting on Facebook asking my friends to write a memory about me. When you hear my name, what’s the first memory that pops in your head.
If you ever need cheering up or help getting out of a funk, this is what you need to do.
If you feel like your life doesn’t really matter, your existence has no meaning, or just need to smile.
Do this!
I have smiled, laughed, cried and found out things I never knew. I had someone give me a bullet once, told me it was chambered and they were going to end their life with it until I started talking with them. Not about suicide, I knew nothing about those thoughts, but everyday stuff. A good morning text, have a great day, sharing something that happened at work.
I still have that bullet.
I guess its proof I mattered to someone.
Proof I am here for a reason.
Keep making memories and ask others to share theirs. Let someone know the impact they had on you. It may be the one thing that makes them feel good about themselves.
Ah, memories, I need more of them jogged, I have decades of them covered in dust and spider webs.
Share your favorite memory of us, here or in private message if you prefer.
And I will do the same.
Oops, my coffee is gone and time to get ready for work.
Have a memory making day! Hope you hear from you soon!


I missed my quiet coffee time yesterday.
I was at work by 4:45 and stayed busy until I left at 4. Long day but productive.
I do need ME time.

Guess I’ve spoiled myself. Nothing wrong with that. My coffee seems to taste better this morning. My cool dark room more calming.
I’m not always alone in the morning. My early bird friends exchange good mornings and well wishes for the day.

Keeping in touch has never been easier.
I still fail at it.
Its times like this I think about someone but it’s too early for a text, then life happens and it’s too late to text.

Know this.
I think about you.
I miss your faces.
I miss real conversations.
I miss your hugs.
I miss time together.
We all have schedules, some busy, some crazy.
Always on the go.
My calendar is usually filled with some activity.
But most mornings about 5 am. You can find me, coffee in hand, cool dark room with my thoughts.
If you are up, send me a message. I’d love to hear from you. Maybe we can make it on each others calendars. If not, touching base is the next best thing. Just knowing you thought about me today makes me smile.
I think about you.
I’ll get better at letting you know.
I love you my family and friends.

I know this is a blanket hello for now, but I am thinking about how I miss you.
So, good morning! Have a wonderful, productive and blessed day!
Hugs 🤗 and kisses, 💋