My pencil was on my desk and I stopped to look at it. It caught my attention for just a second.
I snapped a picture and forgot about it.
That was maybe a couple of weeks ago and this morning I see it while having my coffee, cleaning out pictures.
This pencil represents me.
When I am old I shall wear purple.
My tip is still sharp but a little muted. Can still do the job with precision and tact, although slightly used. Works to the nub but miraculously hones itself back to working sharpness and to the point. Recycling after long hard projects.
Chewed up by life but still standing tall and strong, no teeth marks showing, just my colors. Smooth and elegant for my age.
Marked at the top with my mistakes over the years with plenty of room for more. That is what life is about, right? Mistakes? And learning from them.
I’ve made them and it shows.
I’ve written my dreams and desires in pencil.
They are ever changing.
Bigger, better…
Erasable if I outgrow them.
Grab a pencil and write out your goals and dreams today.
Have a cup of coffee while you visualize them coming to you.
Blessings today my friends.
Stand tall.
Stay sharp.
Embrace your mistakes.
But most of all,
Love big.