Is it time for some Mirror Magic?
Look into the mirror, eye to eye with that gorgeous self of yours.
Remind yourself….
You are in control.
You can overcome any obstacle.
What looks like a mountain is merely a mole hill.
The world needs what you have to offer.
You are someone elses idol.
You are desired.
You have the magic inside you.
You got this.
Some days you have to be your own cheerleader. Not everyone will pat you on the back and say great job. Not everyone will appreciate you and tell you.
There will be days you feel like you are failing from sun up to sun down.
But you are not.
With every breath, every movement, each thought and smile, you are making a difference.
You have been since the day you were born.
You started making people smile from day one, when taking your first breath, you were changing lives, giving purpose.
That’s pretty special if you ask me.
Tell yourself that every day.
You are the reason.
You are special.
Yes, the world revolves around you every day.
So finish that coffee, throw back those shoulders and get out there.
Go make a difference.
Go change the world.
Love Big