Wasted coffee.
How I missed my mouth I don’t know.
No comments from the peanut gallery.
The first sip is always the best.
Guess the next sip is still my first sip.
Just like everyday is the first day of the rest of your life.
Starting over is a first.
You can make anything your first.
Starting fresh is good for the soul.
Whether it’s a fresh start, new life, new love, new job, new adventure.
Ever see the first guy to ask you out and you said no, and think I should have gone out with him, I should have given it a chance.
Or looked at a first love that ended and you cried for days only years later think, Damn, I dodged that bullet.
There is a reason we miss out on a first or that a particular first doesn’t work out.
Why I missed my mouth, I don’t know, but it sure didn’t stop me from taking another sip.
Don’t let life’s disappointments stop you from trying again.
The road wont lead anywhere if you just sit on a rock watching others pass by.
I challenge all my friends to have a first every day!
Do something you don’t normally do.
It could be a new restaurant or complimenting a stranger. Attempt something you failed at before.
Expand your horizons! Don’t miss out on opportunities.
Go ahead, take that second first sip.