I can get along with anybody.
I have met a lot of people in my 55 years but very few become friends.
They are associates, coworkers etc.
Still a part of my life, but not ones I share intimate details.
I’ve belonged to a few groups that were fun when we got together for meetings or conventions. Some had a charitable purpose or civic duty. My church youth group was always on my priority list.
I’ve made close friends from most of the groups. Some people are still a part of my life, maybe not everyday.
I’m grateful to be part of a ladies group that is supportive of each other. A party planning group that treats each other like family.
We all work together and for each other.
I’ve met several of the spouses and they are the same.
That’s the word that pops up when I think of them.
Never have I belonged to such a group of strong, independent, loving, caring, sincere and supportive women. With matching spouses.
This was the group I cooked for this past weekend.
They sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers Tuesday.
Flowers for just doing what I loved for people who appreciated it.
For fighting a refrigerator with an attitude.
For serving dinner only a half hour late.
I lean down and smell them each and every time I’ve left my office.
They made my day.
Quite possibly my week.
This group thought of me after the food.
After the weekend.
I have a new circle to add to my life.
They are a circle all their own.
One that beams, shines, and checks on each other every day.
It took 5 decades to find.
Don’t give up on finding those people that are “your tribe”. It may take a minute, but they are there and they will find you and you, them.
They will remind you everyday that you belong.