Jeez Louise, yesterday kicked me in the stomach. About one o’clock my stomach started hurting, I ate gluten and I figured that was it. It usually subsides, but this time it got worse.

I felt like I was costarring in an Alien movie with Sigourney weaver. Something had hold of my stomach from the inside and kept twisting.

Finally about 3:30 I came home. After a few trips to the Bathroom, I laid down in the bed. I was freezing. I slept off and on only to wake to that pain in my stomach.

Troy came home about 7 and checked on me. I finally slept straight until 11.
I woke up sweating and feeling like I was going to pass out. Every inch of my body hurt. Not ache, hurt.

Troy gave me Gatorade thinking I was probably dehydrated. I stayed up until about midnight. My rib cage hurting from front to back. I finally went back to sleep.

4:45 and I’m wide awake. My chest hurts, my body aches. No fever. Much better than yesterday for sure.
Today is a busy day for me. So staying home is not an option.

I must adult.
Hopefully it has passed and whatever alien I possessed will not make an entrance.

I’d appreciate all the good vibes today!