What’s on my mind?
Hmmm, sipping coffee, enjoying the cool air on my shoulders, wishing it would rain all day.
Once again in a dark room, listening to house sounds and the gentle snore of Troy in the other room.
My safe space.
Do you ever just reflect on your life choices? Wonder where you would be today had you made a left instead of a right? Think about if you are happy doing what you do or just doing what you have to for survival?
The high school me, had joined the delayed entry program for the navy. Life choices took me another direction.
“If only I had…” used to cross my mind when I was a young, scared single mom living in a freezing house during winter.
But not now.
Every choice I made, brought me here.
I love my imperfect life that is so perfect for me.
One different decision and I would have missed so much.
Embrace your choices. Love them, learn from them. Have a beautiful life.