Why does it warm my soul?
Not my tummy or body,
My soul.
That first sip, when taken in a quiet, cozy place, can guarantee a beautiful day.
No matter what happens.

Coffee is like a wing man as you go into battle. It gives you that mental clarity, calmness, energy, and the will to push forward.
Reminds you that you are ready for anything.
You got this!

Or a secret lover.
One you cant get enough of by the fire on a winter evening. Snuggled under a blanket.
You sneak away to have a cup to recharge or just relax. The smell, the taste on your lips, lingers for hours.
Your next cup is always on your mind. Any time of day is a good time. Your hands wrapped around the cup letting the warmth spread throughout your body.
Coffee time is the best time.

Magical beans?
Lorene is totally out of her mind?
But I bet this next cup will help me find my way back.
Have a beautiful day, I hope I’ve made you smile.
Now go grab your wing man and slay the day!


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