Coffee by the garden, contemplating life’s curve balls.
The world after the rain.
Clouds slinking by.
We never know when the storms will sweep through and take everything or just nurture the land.
Life’s storms can be brutal.
They can take our most valuable possessions, livelihood or loved ones.
In as long as it takes for lightning to fill the dark sky, all can be gone.
The wind can snatch away the most precious to us. Blow it to all ends of the earth, never to return.
Leaving a dark space that we carry forever.
A space that will sneak out when triggered by a memory, a word or song.
A space you try to keep tucked away, so not to feel the heartbreak all over.
An empty space filled with memories, moments that slowly fade.
Becoming emptier as the years pass.
Life’s storms.
I love you.