I love food.
I love creating meals from fresh ingredients, lots of flavor, unique but yet homey and comforting.
I love making people happy with food, watching their expressions, the calmness a good meal brings to people.
Food is my thing.

Some people draw, paint, sing, write, build or grow things.
We all have a talent.
Some we share with the world, some we keep private.
We are truly blessed when our careers are based on our talents.

We have hidden talents.
Maybe yours is being able to listen and give comfort to someone.
Or possibly being that parental figure to a child that had no guidance.

Maybe your talent, is just being you.

Your heart, your soul, you say the right things at the right moment that changes a life.

Never sell yourself short.
We all have a place in the universe, a purpose. Whether we use it openly every day or it’s a natural thing that goes unnoticed to everyone except the person who needs it at the time.

You are a talent.
A living soul that can make a difference.
Your hug can make a difference.
Your smile.
Your kind words.
You could be the safety harness for someone walking a tight rope.

Embrace who you are.
Speak with kindness. Support and love.
You have the talent.

Love big

Image may contain: food