My morning time passes so quickly!
I got up a little earlier this morning so I could enjoy some dark quiet time.
An hour flew by!
Still, I am having another cup of coffee.
I’ll skip fixing my hair.

I had a wonderful 4 day weekend with my family in Georgia. It ended too soon, but work awaits me.
Thanks to my staff, they held down the fort the couple of days I played hooky.
I have some amazing team members.

This is my so called Monday.
A busy one at that, so I am fueling up with my happy coffee.

It’s all good!

Starting the day with no news, no reading bickering Facebook posts, just Big Daddy, Maddie, warm fuzzies from the weekend and coffee.

The perfect day.

I wish one for you too!
Sip up!
Its gonna be a great day!


Image may contain: cat, text that says 'Just pour the coffee, and back away slowly...'