I have friends from as far back as grade school. We have been friends well over half my life.
You know the friends, some you text or chat with daily, weekly, sometimes years apart but it always seems like just yesterday.

These friendships are precious to me.
You know who you are.
I love you.
You have shared life most of my 55 years with me one way or another. Helped me make decisions, sometimes life changing.
You are that voice inside my head at times.
Reminding me of who I am and where I came from.
No one has ever taken your spot in my heart or ever will.
You are my constants.

I’ve met people along the way after high school. Some are mere acquaintances, some have become friends. Lunch buddies, business partners, work family, margarita amigos, venting partners, an ear or shoulder.
All important to me.

Then there is Troy.
My best friend.
Life mate.
The one who holds me, protects me, always, always has my back, even if I’m not fully correct.
And gently reminds of the fact.

My circle has always been close knit. But as I have gotten older, I have been fortunate to
Meet and get to know people that I click with.

A year and a half ago, I joined a group of women, a support group that are amazing ladies. I was worried about drama, I just don’t do drama, but there was none.
They all leaned on each other, sought advice, gave advice, shared experiences, and meet for lunch, dinner and weekend retreats.

I am one of the oldest women there, and I am sure I have some sage advice for them, but they have taught me a lot too. Never have I felt so included right at the start.
They make me feel like I belong.

I made friendships from that group that led to a smaller group of friends.
I’ve told you about this group. My personal EMT team.
The lake group.
They have pulled even more out of me.
Things they don’t even know.
I don’t swim. Most people know that.
I was not a boat or water fan.
Yet on Saturday, I drive to spend time with this group.
They have me on the boat, in the water and just enjoying my best life.
No fear.
No worries.
Great company and awesome people.

I am truly fortunate that in this stage of life I can find new friends that mean the world to me.
Friends I know have my back.
Will obviously take care of me when needed.
I look forward to chatting and spending time with them.
Miss them when we aren’t together.
I love their company.
I hope we continue to meet even after summer.

It’s strange to me to be so drawn so fast to personalities.
God knows when and where to put people in your path.
And I am grateful.
I am only half way thru this life of mine, and I intend on living it to the fullest.
The more the merrier.

Love big,

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'YOU THINK YOU'RE SO IMPORTANT, HUH?'