It can change everything.
There is nothing better than a long, strong hug. Hugs can be healing. They can reduce stress. They are calming.
It’s amazing how having someone else’s arms around you for 60 seconds or less can make the world disappear. Problems seem nonexistent. Fear dissipates. Nothing else exists at that moment. A way of saying I care without uttering a word.

Hand holding
There seems to be some security that comes with holding hands. You feel united. You get the feeling they will catch you if you fall. Pull you up when needed. A way of connecting you to one another. Being together. Letting each other know you are there.
This goes for groups too. Holding hands, making a wall of protection together. A circle in prayer, united in Christ, brotherly love.

Bodies touching, hugs, hand holding all wrapped into one. The ultimate trust touch. Closing your eyes letting the other watch over you. Keeping warm, sharing space. Letting the worries of the day float away.
Not just for lovers.
Friends snuggle.
Fur babies snuggle.
It’s a bond.

We crave human touch. At least I do. I will hug you hello and good bye. Stranger or friend. I’ll hold your hand if you need me to.
Need to decompress? We can snuggle, watch a movie and just hold each other and make the world a better place at least for 1 hour 47 minutes, credits included.
Touch my hand
Touch my heart

I hope you get at least one hug today and give one also.
Change everything.