Oct 18, 2019 time out

Do you have a “time out” place?
Not for bad behavior, but for taking a time out from life in general.

Is it a place? Person? song?
Something or somewhere that gives you a few minutes to regroup, organize your thoughts, keep you from not using your filter.

I have to modify my place as needed.
There have been times it’s a song on the radio so I sit, eyes closed and listen to each word and note, shutting out everything around me.
Don’t worry, I am parked. 🤣

If I get a little overwhelmed at work I may shut my door and put my head down on my desk, just like quiet time in the first grade.
Others depend on me, I cant just lose it.

If I get to a point of being tired, frustrated, hurt, overwhelmed and feel like I’m drowning, crying helps.
It seems to wash away what’s bothering me. Cleansing my body by releasing it all in my tears.
At this point I need to be alone.
I am at the point of letting my mouth say what I feel. Which sometimes only makes things worse.

I cant stop people from hurting me, betraying me, not doing their part or things just not going as planned.
But I can control how I respond to it.
Not react.
Never react out of emotion.
That’s when your filter is gone.
You say things out of anger or hurt.
You try to make them feel like you do at that moment.


Respond by not reacting.
What a person does is a reflection of them and what they are feeling.
It’s not you.
Never let someone or something determine your happiness or self worth.
Smile and walk away.
Pray for them, send good vibes their way.
Release all the hurt and anger you have in the way that works best.
Put yourself in Time Out.
Be happy.
Lorene ❤

Image may contain: people sitting, table, stripes and indoor