I slept in a bit this morning.
I spent some quality time with my baby daughter yesterday. There was laughter, tears and lots of coffee. I know that’s the way to her heart. As long as I have coffee mate.
Chemae has a beautiful soul.
Her heart is big enough to hold love like no other.
She gives so much of herself to help others that I used to worry. I felt like she should be taking care of herself and family. Then I realized she was.
She is teaching her kids it’s ok to give of yourself and help others even when you dont have much. Thanksgiving this year, her family cooked for the homeless shelter. She could have spent that time with her own family, kicked back and enjoying someone else cooking, but no, she wanted to give back.
It’s not just people she takes in, but animals too. Strays of all kinds seem to find their way to her. I think God guides them.
I’ve watched this girl grow into a woman the hard way. Like the rest of us, making not so good decisions along the way, but never once did she turn her back on someone in need.
She is a stay at home mom, and feels like a failure because she isnt successful.
Let me say this….
Oh baby girl, you are more successful than you will ever know. You have touched the hearts and lives of so many, me included with your faith in humanity.
I couldn’t be more proud.
You will only get stronger now that you have a partner that believes like you.
I love you and I know your life has made a difference in So many others.
Success isn’t measured in dollars and cents.
Being a truly decent and loving human being is rare and worth more than gold and silver.
You are rich beyond your wildest dreams my dear. I wish i had half the heart you do.
☕ here’s to you Chemae,
I love you and the woman you’ve become.
I’m proud to be your Mom. ❤
I know I’ve succeeded when I look at my children. Their accomplishments are mine in a sense. Most are more than I will ever achieve.
Now you all go hug your babies!