
I needed new socks and these are free.
They have the slip resistant nibs on the bottom for old people like me. Maybe they will help me with the top rung of the ladder next time. 🤣🤣
I am getting a knee scope and a much needed nap!
Merry Christmas to me!
Anything I post after this time will probably be under the influence, so let me warn you now. Not apologize, mind you, this is my page and I am responsible for the entertainment factor. And I may be entertaining!
Old age didn’t get me this time, it was having too good a time and not paying attention. It’s been 5 months since my accident and I have healed pretty nice! Cant even see my nose scars!
So, a couple of more scars to brag about and a fresh knee to keep kicking.
You know this won’t stop me.
I appreciate all the prayers and good vibes today!
Love big!

Image may contain: one or more people and people sleeping
Image may contain: Lorene Fite Wood, eyeglasses, selfie and closeup