Another Monday 2020

Well, it’s back to the norm.
First full week of the new year. No more holidays tucked away in the middle of the week. Unless someone declares Wednesday a National holiday. All the work you left on your desk is there waiting for some attention. Grinning at you like a Cheshire cat.
Back to the grind.
Back to the norm.
Or is it?
Things change every day.
There is always something new. Never the norm.
Like this ear ache I woke up to at 2:30 this morning, ugh. It has altered my day already.
The door separating my bathroom and closet is stuck, I’m having to alter my normal morning routine going around and thru my bedroom, trying hard not to wake Troy.
I am in my quiet place this morning with my coffee, enjoying the house sounds, but missing some early messaging.
The coffee is warm and smooth to the taste, but each swallow reminds me of the pain in my ear.
Someone will be starting today without a loved one. Without the physical presence they have had almost a lifetime. Learning to live without them.
Someone is starting a new career, bigger and better than the last, a job with promise, benefits and more money.
Someone will be attending a new school, knowing no one, scared and nervous.
Someone will have their boots on foreign soil, fulfilling a promise to protect, serve and guard our freedoms. God bless and protect them.
A life will start today, somewhere with people around to snap pictures and brag.
A life will end, alone, unnoticed.
Everyday can be the norm.
Get up, get moving. Get out….
The same routine.
But living life is far from routine.
Take what life throws and build with it!
Lemons, rocks, daisies….
Use them to build your castle so you can drink lemonade or whiskey sours while watching the flowers grow.
Never be normal.

Image may contain: text that says 'Dear Monday Thanks for having the word "mon" in you. That's French for "mine". In case you weren't t aware, Monday, but it makes me think of you as "myday" and frankly that sounds like a much more promising start to the week.'