January 2020

When you are alone and everything is quiet, what do you hear?
Your own voice in your head?
Did you hear that? Self pointing out that humming sound you cant recognize. It has a rhythm, so surely it’s not someone hiding in the closet. Too mechanical sounding and perfect. No one hums perfectly.
I can hear myself swallow. I kind of slurp my hot coffee when no one is around. I think it cools it off a bit. The tinkle of the spoon in the cup as I stir before each drink. It almost sounds like a little bell.
My entire body seems to make sounds loud enough to wake the dead. I sound like a box of rice krispies. SNAP, CRACKLE, POP!!
My neck, back, jeeze its loud in here!
I can hear Troy breathing heavy while he sleeps in the other room. The sound of Maddies tag jingle as she gets comfortable in my warm spot.
My brain tends to go into overdrive planning out the day, I sometimes even argue with myself. In my head. At least its just one voice.
I never know what or if I’m going to write something in the morning. What I may find fascinating you may think I’m adding whiskey to my coffee.
The subject can be about something that happened during the week and made me think a little deeper. Most of the time I start and end up writing something totally different. It’s like I have no control over my thoughts. My thumbs just type out of habit, putting down what my brain tells it to whether it makes sense or not.
Someone asked me the other day, what’s wrong with me. How can I get up so early and write a book.
My answer?
I dont know.
I wish I could do it for a living. Lol
I just hear myself early in the morning, and self tries to motivate me away from the coffee pot. Tells me clothing is not optional and I must interact with other humans, not just furbabies.
My head is full of self conversation and I feel the need to write it down, a way of making room up there for more thoughts. And of course giving you a glimpse of how my crazy brain works.
I’m now being told I must get up and moving.
SNAP my way to the bathroom, CRACKLE into some clothes and POP on over to work.
Have a blessed day my friends.

Image may contain: tree, plant, sky, night, outdoor and nature