My view

A comforting view this morning.
I am back home enjoying my coffee, listening to Big Daddy lightly snore in the next room.
Home sweet home.
A brand new week.
Refreshed and ready to go.
Well, maybe not all that ready to go.
I could spend another week just thinking about life and eating good food. Snuggling with Troy and Maddie.
The perfect parts of life.
Today is another day to explore what life has in store for me. If I dont like it, I’ll change it , if I can’t change it, I will step over it and keep on going.
I am a creator.
I make my own destiny.
I will start this gorgeous Monday with quiet time and coffee. Wrapped in my soft blanket, scrolling spring break pictures and remembering each moment with good friends, good food and good souls.
Sometimes you have to slow down long enough to enjoy the moment.
Close your eyes and just feel.
It doesn’t have to be a week long adventure, it can be 10 minutes of your day.
10 minutes of just you.
Thoughts of calm.
And big big love.

May be an image of indoor