Another weekend in the books.
I dont feel like I did a lot, but I was exhausted each day. My body is still recouping, I know, but I’m impatient and want it to hurry up.
I need to get back into my old routine before this one becomes habit.
I’ve been napping and going to bed early most days. Sleeping in and missing my dark quiet time. Sleeping hard and uninterrupted.
And dreaming.
Wow, the strange dreams I’ve had.
Seems every night my mind takes on a directors role and plays a mini series for me while I sleep.
I know most of the actors, some personally, some in passing. Most are playing themselves others filling in other roles as needed.
No crazy zombie movies, mostly every day happenings with a twist.
Last night was about my grocery order that goes in every Monday at the hospital. I have until 4 pm. I was late, it was 10 til 4 and I couldn’t find my menus, I was in a new office and other things were distracting me. Not to mention another director needed help with the ordering system and I was trying to help him, but he kept disappearing. I was running from office to office trying to get work done
It felt like I was staying at work 24/7, sharing a dorm type room.
I woke up tired.
So I am on my second cup of coffee.
Alone, in my dark room.
How I’ve missed this comfort.
A self quarantine for a few hours.
But I was doing that before it was cool.
Putting my thoughts together for the day. First and foremost I will get the order done. Don’t need to not have food for the patients and staff, that would get ugly.
And pray we aren’t locked down in the hospital, sleeping in dorm type rooms.
I’m picky about overnight guests.
And I don’t wear pajamas.
The world outside has been a little crazy and apparently sneaking into my dreams a bit. I’m sure that’s all natural, but I’m ready for a break.
Work, shop and home are my travel plans each day.
I have always enjoyed the company of Big Daddy so he has no worries of being in close quarters with me for extended periods of time. It’s really not much of a change.
We have over 300 movies to watch if we get bored. I know how to cook, so staying home to eat isn’t a problem. I can pretty much make anything from what’s in the cabinet if food gets a little low. That’s actually how I got started cooking. Pantry cook.
I am going on and on now, so I’ll close this up.
Be safe, be smart.
If you are high risk, stay inside. Limit your contact. Call for help if you need it.
The rest of us, respect each others space now more than ever before.
Share, forward and retweet encouraging words, not panic.
And Love Big
From a distance.
We got this.
Much love,