Image may contain: sky, tree, cloud, twilight, outdoor and nature

The second best part of waking up.

Look at this view.
Colors only God could provide.
The every day miracle of the sun rising, reminding us of the promise of a new day.
Fresh and clean,
a new start.

Every day is a new beginning.
Yesterday is over, tomorrow is not here, put your focus on today.

How will you make today matter?
A kind word.
A gift of time.
A sweet note.
A smile.

We won’t discover the secrets of the universe but will find hope, happiness and love.
You just have to look.
You can find things in the oddest places.
Like in a sunrise, or smile, or a sweet note.

Today slips away into yesterday way to quickly to hesitate.
Once that happens, it’s gone.
“Should haves” and “could haves” mean nothing now.

Focusing on tomorrow steals from today.

Today is what I live for.
It’s all I’m promised, this very instant.
I will live for the moment.
It may be my last.

So today, right now, let me say…
I love you and so should you.
Enjoy the sunrise like it’s your last.
Live like you want to be remembered.
Love Big.

Lorene 2020