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Good morning, I have my coffee in hand, my daily routine playing out.

I slept through last night’s storm. I suppose growing up in Oklahoma conditions you. We would all be walking zombies if we didn’t sleep every time there was a storm.
I’ve learned to tune out noises but my brain can still pick up warnings.

Troy has asked me before how I can read a book, sitting next to him while he watches television. How can I concentrate?
I guess it’s focus.
Or a Mom thing.

Moms can tune out everyday noise that kids make.
All the screaming, laughing, fussing etc. But when there is a cry of pain, Mom senses pick up on it. It’s like our brain categorizes the sounds entering our ears and prioritizes them.

I’ve kept that superpower. I use it in everyday life.
I can hear the everyday noises of the kitchen, timers going off, pans clanking, talking, singing, phones ringing, water running etc.
Then there is that occasional crash. Something hitting the floor and I’m up and out of my office to make sure no one is hurt.

I am filtering out sounds.
Just like I filter out conversations.
Hearing and listening are 2 different activities.
I will listen to you all day long, but refuse to hear complaining, self pity, negativity and hate.
That stuff will consume you!
My mental health is on the line.
I love you and will be there for you, but you have to project what you want to return.

People will absorb the hate and negative talk like it is gospel. I don’t understand how it is easier to believe and talk negative than it is to spread and speak the positive.

Shut that storm out.
Listen for the warning signals.
Project sunshine and it will return.
Repel the negative.
It’s much more fun to be happy.
I promise.

Lorene 2020