Sitting in the dark for a few minutes waiting on my equipment to heat up.
A few sips of coffee and thoughts.

It’s been a long week.
I supposed I could have stayed home all week and licked my wounds. But that’s never really been me.
I am thankful today is my last day to open cook for a bit. Although it was rough, and I had to pause here and there, I got through it with the help of my staff. They constantly checked on me to make sure I was doing ok.

I opened my office to put my bag up this morning and on my list of things to do, I had scribbled a quote. I try to motivate myself as much as you, every day.

“Know your limits, then ignore them”

A great reminder.
We are all capable of anything.
We just have to go beyond our limits.
Take that extra step.
Climb one more flight of stairs.
Run the extra mile.
One more phone call.

Just keep moving.
We will get there.
As high as you want to go.

Well, I am off to scrambled the eggs and bake the biscuits. I may even do scones this morning. It is Friday!

Write yourself a note for the week. Reminding you to reach for the stars!
Have a blessed day!

Love Big,

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