I’ve worked really hard to get to certain places in my life to accomplish goals and support my family. There have been many detours along the way sending me in a totally different direction.

I’m sure this is a case of when one door closes another one opens. Let me tell you, sometimes the hallway in between those doors are dark and scary. I would look at others and think, that person is living my life, they got to the door before me.

I would feel like giving up, tell myself I was just not cut out for this. Then the good Lord would make me trip over the welcome mat at MY door. I have learned something at each threshold that has propelled me to another. I am grateful for those dark hallways. When there is no light, faith will be your guide.

Eyes wide closed. I doubt I have entered my last door, traveled my last dark hallway or tripped over my last door mat. I know my future is bright and my today brilliant.

I’m loving my life more each day.


July 24, 2016