We make so many choices daily.
Some without any thought, they are automatic.
My choices on a daily basis include getting up when my alarm goes off.
Drinking my happy coffee.
Drinking more coffee.
Taking my vitamins to help keep me healthy.
Brushing my teeth and combing my hair.
Getting dressed and going to work.
Prayers for a productive day.
Through out the day I choose to smile, be kind and laugh out loud.
I choose to be thankful and grateful for what I have and the company around me.
I choose to help others, be a support system when they need it or just a sounding board.
I choose to be happy.
I choose to be a responsible human being.
I choose to stop, breathe and think when I am angry.
I choose to walk away when it is not significant and stand my ground when it is important to me.
I choose to protect my family.I may not always choose the right path, and when I do not, I choose to apologize or make things right.
Its amazing how many choices we all make each day. Make sure the automatic ones are healthy for your soul, kind and happy.It is OK to be selfish with your choices, but not at the destruction of others.
Like with a Genie and three wishes, always choose wisely. There may be no going back.
Choose love.
And choose to Love Big.