I am tired.
Physically, mentally, emotionally. I feel like I need a week off from life. Just to sleep. Its been along time since I have felt so drained of energy.
My coffee helps the physical side of it. Keeping my body going for a few hours. And then I just want to nap.
So unlike me. I’ve never liked to nap.
I felt like I was missing out if I slept. Time flew by and I wasn’t awake to enjoy it.
Hand me a pillow.
Doesn’t happen, I’m way too busy for a nap.
Maybe my body is fighting off getting sick. I have had a head cold for a few days. Its better but still annoying.
Its been a month since my accident, but I never took time off to just recoup. It was 12 hour days and go go go go less than 48 hours later.
My mind may just want to sleep through all the craziness in the world right now. Wake up to find its just been a bad dream and we are united once again.
My glass is about empty and I need to refill it soon. There has been more pouring out than filling up. That’s OK, but I do need to stop and take time for me soon.
I will bet there are some heads nodding out there, you feel it too. Time for that refill.
You time.
Don’t wait too long. All giving can quickly deplete you. You can’t pour from an empty glass.
Well, work is calling and today I am 3 people. So it will be another exhausting day.
But I got this.
Just have to watch and make sure I don’t run dry. I may not have time for a complete refill, but I can always replenish enough to keep being me. I know I’m not alone. We all need some rest and sanity.
I pray you find it.
Love big.