We are all teachers whether we want to be or not.

A child learns from his parents actions, not just words.

Watching them steer through life, how they attack obstacles in their way and most importantly, the way they treat the people along the way.

How many practice what they preach?

Its easy to say “don’t drink alcohol “, but it has no bearing if you say it while sipping on a glass of wine. Coming from a former alcoholic, someone who had been there, done that, rode the ride, survived and bought the T shirt, now, that is someone worthy of listening to.

The teacher doesn’t have to be perfect.

We all have life lessons we could teach.Sharing our past mistakes and outcomes can help someone and you probably wouldn’t even know it.

Some day, someone may tell you about the difference you made for them. You may be that person that is shrouded in a dark cloud with no clue which way is up, then hear a similar story, whether it has a good or bad outcome, it has a lesson learned attached.

A lesson that lifts that cloud and you now have one to share.We can only hope all the lessons we teach are good ones. But we all know if that were the case, we would live in a perfect world.

We can however teach what NOT to do. Sometimes that is the best advice.

Be an example.

A good example if possible.

We can learn from bad examples but sometimes the young minds can’t pull the lesson out of it and follow the footsteps instead.

Actions do speak louder than words.

Go out in the world and be that person that makes a difference. A person people look up to.One who has an audience that uses you as a guideline to life.

Be kind.

Love big,
